Research Grants (Generic)
Post Date
February 22nd 2016
Application Due Date
November 30th -0001
This announcement is for notification purposes only.
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$20000 - $60000
Grant Description
This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance award to the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry for a period of approximately 1.5 years. This announcement is for notification purposes only. The intent of the award is to conduct field data collection to complete an ongoing modeling project of the piping plover population at Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge (Forsythe Refuge). Authorization (040): Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956, as amended, 16 U.S.C. (742f (a)(4); Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 661.; Fish and Wildlife Improvement Act of 1978, as amended (16 U.S.C. 753), Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, as amended (16 U.S.C. 4601-4 through 11), Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543).
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Agency Contact:
Grants Specialist Laurie McDermott 1-(413)-253-8290 -
Agency Mailing Address:
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