Bouchard Plover Restoration Projects
Post Date
November 27th 2015
Application Due Date
December 11th 2015
We expect to announce awards in January 2016 and the earliest start date for funded project is anticipated to be March 2016.
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
All potential applicants are eligible
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$10000 - $50000
Grant Description
DESCRIPTION: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is pleased to announce a second round of funds available to restore piping plover (Charadrius melodus), a federally threatened shorebird. This opportunity is open to all State and Federal agency personnel, cities, towns or county governments, as well as non-governmental organizations, and individuals. BACKGROUND: Restoration funds ($715,000) were recovered through a natural resource damages settlement with Bouchard Transportation Co., Inc; to compensate for piping plover injured by the Bouchard Barge 120 Oil Spill in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The Natural Resource Trustees (Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and State of Rhode Island) prepared a publically reviewed Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment (Restoration Plan) that proposes to restore piping plover by implementing an enhanced management program at breeding sites in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The program consists of a three-part approach, including targeted predator management, increased enforcement of local beach ordinances on plover-nesting beaches, and outreach and education. To review the Restoration Plan, visit Through this request, we intend to fund a third and final round of proposals that address one or more of the priorities identified in the B-120 Plover Restoration Plan. Any predator removal efforts funded under this request must follow the procedures and protocols outlined in the Restoration Plan and all federal, state and local permits must be obtained. Predator removal efforts shall be implemented by USDA Wildlife Services or other qualified professionals. Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria: a. Priority will be given to sites located within or close to the area impacted by the B-120 Spill (Buzzards Bay, Block Island and the southeast coast of Rhode Island); however, other areas in Massachusetts and Rhode Island will also be considered. Locations outside of MA and RI will not be considered. b. Number of piping plovers likely to benefit c. Site monitoring indicates substantially-reduced reproductive success of piping plovers due to predation and/or human disturbance d. Likelihood that proposed work will be effective in substantially contributing to increased reproductive success or survival of piping plovers at the target site(s) e. Monies cannot be used to meet basic compliance with state and federal laws or to meet mitigation requirements of state and federal permits f. Technical and administrative capacity and qualifications of project team Applicant Requirements Failure to comply with the following requirements may result in forfeiture of grant eligibility. Projects must be completed within three (3) years of receiving funds. Prior to submitting a proposal, the applicant(s) must contact all contributing partners, as appropriate, including State natural resource agency personnel, Federal biologists and resource managers and relevant local landowners, to discuss the proposed project and ensure that the work can be conducted if funded (required permits can be issued, etc.). Affirmation of support for all partners must be provided on the cover page (see Format below). All participants of funded projects must procure all necessary Federal, State, and local permits prior to project initiation. Project site(s) landowner permission must be secured and provided with the project application. Each funded organization must obtain a Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) number for the project and register at Proposal Requirements and Format A proposal must not exceed 5 pages in length, including cover page, executive summary, tables, figures, an itemized budget, and any supplemental information on PI qualifications, etc. The page limit does not include SF-424 or other required forms. Proposals must include the following sections: 1) Cover Page: One page containing the project title, PI(s) and respective affiliations/contact information, the total amount of the request and the total amount of the project (if different), the timeline of the project, and a statement affirming that all PIs and key collaborators are aware of the project and agree to the terms of the proposal. 2) Executive Summary: A one page summary of the proposed project that outlines objectives, demonstrates a need for the project based on past data, and describes the total budget. The summary must be suitable for public release on the USFWS website. 3) Body of the Proposal: Introduction ___ Brief background ___ the objectives and anticipated outcome, Methods ___ A description of project activities in support of objectives, including targeted predator species and timeline, Budget ___ the budget, with justification , broken down by objective, including any outside funding (matching funds are not required) 4) Qualifications: A statement detailing the qualifications of PIs and partner organizations. Proposals must be accompanied by all required forms (SF ___ 424, SF ___ 424A, SF-424B ___ see Proposal Review A panel of Service and other Federal and State Agency representatives will review the proposals and recommend proposals to the Service for funding. Project proposal ranking will be based upon how closely the project meets the criteria addressed above and in the B-120 Plover Restoration Plan. While not a requirement, the use of matching funds and partnerships to augment project resources is encouraged, and will be considered in the ranking process. Minimization of overhead and other indirect costs is also encouraged, and will be considered in the ranking process. Indirect costs in excess of 17.5% are not likely to be competitive and may not be supported. All applicants will be notified of the final disposition of their proposals. The final funding amount and specific scope of work for selected proposals will be negotiated between the applicant and the Service. Applicants must be in good standing on all previously awarded Federal grant agreements to be eligible to receive additional funds. Funded applicants will be required to provide semiannual and final project reports. The semiannual reports should be summaries of approximately 1-2 pages, must be suitable for public distribution, and should include statements about project progress and unexpected setbacks or challenges. The final report must include an executive summary, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and final budget details. The final project report is due within 90 days from the end of the grant period and must be approved by the Service prior to final payment. Funded applicants must be aware that any deviations from the procedures or objectives specified in an approved project proposal must be presented to, and approved by, the Service before implementing any such deviations. Deadline and Award Details Closing date: December 11, 2015. Proposals must be submitted by midnight on December 11, 2015 to be considered for review. Estimated number of awards: 5. Estimated total funding $280,000. Award ceiling: $50,000. Award floor: $10,000. These details are available for download in PDF format at the following URL:
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Agency Contact:
Artela Jacobs, Contract Specialist, 404-679-7197 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:
- More Information:

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