Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund
Post Date
October 7th 2015
Application Due Date
December 7th 2015
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Natural Resources
Conservation of Species
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Any agency responsible for the conservation and protection of rhinoceroses and/or tigers in the wild and any other organization, multi-national secretariat, public or private university, or individual with demonstrated experience in rhinoceros and/or tiger conservation may submit proposals to this Fund. U.S. non-profit, non-governmental organizations must submit documentary evidence of their Section 501(c)(3) non-profit status.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$30000 - $80000
Grant Description
The Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund is soliciting proposals for the conservation of rhinoceroses and/or tigers throughout their ranges. The Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Act was passed in 1994 to provide financial resources for conservation of rhinoceros and tiger populations. The Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund supports projects that promote conservation through: Enhanced protection of at-risk rhinoceros and tiger populations; Protected area/reserve management in important rhinoceros and tiger range; Veterinary care for wild populations; Habitat conservation and management; Reintroduction to former range; Restoration of habitat; Wildlife inspection, law enforcement, and forensics skills; Conservation education and community outreach; Efforts to decrease human-rhinoceros and human-tiger conflicts; Strengthening local capacity to implement conservation programs; Transfrontier rhinoceros and tiger conservation; Applied research on rhinoceros and tiger populations and their habitats, including surveys and monitoring; Development and execution of rhinoceros and tiger conservation management plans; and Compliance with applicable treaties and laws that prohibit or regulate the taking or trade of rhinoceros and tigers or regulate the use and management of their habitat; Reducing demand for illegal rhino and tiger parts, products and live animals in consumer countries; Combatting trafficking of illegal rhino and tiger parts, products and live animals. Proposed project work should occur within the rhinoceros or tiger range, or, if work is to be conducted outside of the range, the proposal should show clear relevance to rhinoceros or tiger conservation. If the project includes research, the applicant must provide a convincing argument that the research addresses priority threats and that the results are likely to result in management actions. Priority will be given to projects involving indigenous subspecies within natural range. Ex situ populations are not eligible. Funding decisions will also take in the degree of endangerment of the taxon, with more funding directed to more imperiled subspecies.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Agency Contact:
Tezeta Desta, 703-358-2208
mscf_rhinotiger@fws.gov -
Agency Mailing Address:
Program Mailbox
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