Electronic Records Projects
Post Date
December 7th 2007
Application Due Date
June 2nd 2008
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Eligibility Categories
State Governments
County Governments
City or Township Governments
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Governments
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Private Institutions of Higher Education
This category is open to archives and other repositories and, for Cooperative Networks and Service Provider projects, other organizations that are part of: -Nonprofit organizations or institutions, -Colleges, universities, and other academic institutions, -State or local government agencies, or -Federally-acknowledged or state-recognized American Indian tribes or groups.
Award Range:
$50000 - $400000
Grant Description
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission promotes the preservation and use of America's documentary heritage essential to understanding our democracy, history, and culture. General Program Description: The focus of the NHPRC's Electronic Records grant program is to support projects that will lead to sustainable electronic records archives that preserve digital records with enduring historical value. Projects cannot use grant funds to digitize historical records. Applicants who wish to digitize records should refer to the Digitizing Historical Records announcement. We seek applications for projects that: -Develop institutional capacity through program evaluation and planning; -Create institutional capacity with program start-up support; -Expand the scope of existing programs; or -Develop electronic records service providers that can offer reliable preservation services to archives. We strongly encourage each application to include professional development components necessary for the success of the project. These may consist of basic or advanced e-records training for archives staff, agency records managers, high level administrators, IT staff, and others. Proposals focused exclusively on professional development for electronic records archivists should apply for Professional Development Grants. Proposals focused on research and development of best practices and new tools for electronic records preservation should apply for Strategies and Tools Grants. Categories: 1. Program Planning Projects Under this category, archives and other repositories may apply for grants of up to $75,000 to develop organizational and financial structures and technical requirements for electronic record archives. Projects will normally last up to eighteen months. In their proposal for Planning Projects, applicants should: -Explain what efforts they have made to address the preservation of electronic records with permanent historical value. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic issues related to operating an electronic records program, by referring to specific models and studies. -Demonstrate that they have the support of their institution at the highest possible levels, or make the case that a proposed project will result in such support. -Explain how the design of their project reflects the best methods to generate the necessary institutional and financial changes required to implement a sustainable electronic records program. 2. Program Start-Up Projects Under this category, archives and other repositories may apply for up to three year grants of up to $300,000 to implement organizational, financial, and technical structures that will result in sustainable electronic records archives. They may hire new staff, train staff, and/or establish working relationships with electronic records service providers. They may also acquire necessary equipment to support the preservation of electronic records. Applicants not granted awards in this category may be offered a program evaluation and planning grant. In their proposal for start-up projects, applicants should: -Evaluate thoroughly the repository's readiness, staff capabilities, and institutional support and commitment. -Detail the extent of contacts with records creators and information technology professionals in your agency. -Demonstrate that their institution, at the highest possible levels, will sustain an ongoing electronic records program at the end of grant funding. -Demonstrate an understanding of the major technical and human issues related to operating an electronic records program, by referring to influential studies and practices. -Commit to using current standards, best practices, and self-evaluation tools available in implementing their e-records programs. -Describe how the repository will incorporate electronic records management techniques to identify, appraise, accession, and store born-digital or digitized records. -Describe how their methods will assure the preservation of authentic electronic records and how they will make the records available for research. -Identify the steps they will take to develop a persuasive business plan for the continuing operation of the electronic records program. The NHPRC will not financially support the general operations of electronic records archival repositories. 3. Program Expansion Projects Although the NHPRC does not fund the ongoing operations of electronic records programs, it may support projects that allow successful programs to face new challenges in electronic records preservation and to develop new strategies to solve them. If funds are available, grants would normally be for up to three years and up to $200,000. The Commission expects to make no more than one award in this category. In their proposal for expansion projects, applicants should: -Describe their current electronic records programs including the extent of their holdings and the expected rate of growth. Demonstrate their sustainability and institutional support with reference to financial support, workflows, and record creator cooperation. -Explain their methods of preserving authentic electronic records and providing access to the records. Illustrate why an expansion of the program is necessary, what are its components, how the expansion will be a model for others, and how its results will be disseminated. -Demonstrate an understanding of the major technical and human issues related to operating an expanded electronic records program by referring to their own experiences and to expert studies. -Provide a convincing business plan for the continuing operation of the expanded electronic records program. The NHPRC will not financially support the general operations of electronic records programs. 4. Service Providers Projects If funds are available, the NHPRC may support the start-up or expansion of electronic records service providers with a multiyear grant up to $400,000. The Commission expects to make no more than one award is this category. Applicants must provide a business plan that: -Describes the customers, both immediate and projected, and the applicant's growth strategy. Outlines the services to be provided including, for example, electronic records storage, preservation, access, consulting, and staff development. -Includes a sustainable financial model that outlines expenses (personnel, equipment, rental fees), and revenue from grants, membership fees, and any other sources for the next five years. Outline plans for the continuing operation of the business after the grant period. The NHPRC will not financially support the ongoing operations of service providers. In addition, they must: -Demonstrate an understanding of the major technical and human issues related to operating an electronic records program, by referring to their own experiences and to expert studies. -Detail the use of current standards, best practices, and self-evaluation tools available in establishing and maintaining their electronic records services.
Contact Information
National Archives and Records Administration
Agency Contact:
David Davis
Grants Workflow & Info. Coord.
Phone 202-357-5022 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Grants Workflow & Information Coordinator
- Agency Email Address:
- More Information:

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