Key Ignition Interlock Program Recommendation Demonstration
Post Date
June 11th 2014
Application Due Date
July 25th 2014
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
The successful State(s) must demonstrate that they have the infrastructure in place, as well as the necessary staff and support to carry out the responsibilities in developing, administering/ coordinating and implementing this agreement. Only organizations capable of fulfilling the criteria listed below will be considered. The successful State(s) must have received the technical assistance from TIRF and have received a report from TIRF with recommendations to be eligible to apply for the Cooperative Agreement funding. These States will receive a letter of application to notify them that they are eligible and details on how to apply.
Award Range:
$100000 - $588170
Grant Description
This initiative seeks to accomplish the following goals: ╔Strengthen state ignition interlock programs by implementing any of the five key recommendations (discussed below in the Purpose Section) contained in a Stateуs technical review report issued by TIRF. ╔Provide financial assistance to states for implementation of any of the five key recommendations found in the technical review report issued by TIRF. The expected outcome of the project for the state grantees is to improve their ignition interlock program and increase the participation rates and number of ignition interlock installed. NHTSA will receive final reports from the grantees and be able to share the experiences of the state grantees with others states who are interested in potential methods to improve their ignition interlock programs.
Contact Information
Department of Transportation
DOT/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Agency Contact:
Seth Moody
Contract Specialist -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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