Advanced Automatic Collision Notification for Medical Directors
Post Date
May 2nd 2014
Application Due Date
June 25th 2014
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
State Governments
County Governments
City or Township Governments
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Private Institutions of Higher Education
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$0 - $250000
Grant Description
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (U.S. DOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Cooperative Agreement for Advanced Automatic Crash Notification for Medical Directors AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Letter of Invitation (LOI) of a Request for Applications (RFA) is to assist a national organization (the Grantee) to further its mission of improving EMS medical direction in the United States. One (1) award will be made. SUMMARY: The purpose of this Cooperative Agreement is to assist a national organization (the Grantee) to further its mission of improving EMS medical direction in the United States by developing and implementing a sustainable training program to teach EMS and 911 Medical Directors and related EMS stakeholders (the target audience) about the benefits of Advanced Automatic Crash Notification (AACN) data for improving EMS system response. This Project will produce and promote the development of an educational product that teaches EMS and 911 Medical Directors the connection between motor vehicle crash kinematics and resultant injury, and the benefit of incorporating the use of AACN data into existing dispatch and triage protocols. NHTSA will support the Grantee in the implementation of that goal. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Application(s) must be submitted by email to the following address: Attention: Loverna Johnson. Email is the preferred method of submission for applications. All application(s) and material specified in the application procedure must reference the NHTSA Request for Application Number DTNH22-14-R-00010 in the subject line. Only complete packages received on or before 4:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time on June 25, 2014 will be considered. No facsimile transmissions will be accepted. To allow for sufficient time to address questions appropriately, all questions must be received no later than 4:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, via e-mail on May 21, 2014. Unnecessarily elaborate applications beyond what is sufficient to present a complete and effective response to this RFA will not be considered. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: General administrative and programmatic questions may be directed to Loverna Johnson, Contract Specialist, Office of Acquisition Management, by email at
Contact Information
Department of Transportation
DOT/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Agency Contact:
Loverna Johnson
Contract Specialist
Phone 202 366-7204 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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