Joint Mathematics/Computer Science Institute
Post Date
May 6th 2009
Application Due Date
June 5th 2009
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Eligibility Categories
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen Pao,, (301) 903-5384; and Osni Marques,, (301) 903-9925. The Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) of the Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), hereby invites applications for research under a unified management structure to address key challenges where collaborative research in applied mathematics and computer science efforts are required to bridge the gap between large complex scientific applications software and next-generation hardware. The strategic vision for the Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program in the Department of EnergyÀs Office of Science includes a portfolio of high performance computing resources to enable DOE and the NationÀs world leadership in areas of science important to the DepartmentÀs mission. ASCR plans to address these challenges through a balanced program that provides DOEÀs and the NationÀs scientists with high performance production and leadership-class computing resources while fostering the architectural development of the next generation of high end computer hardware and supporting software. One key assumption that underpins the success of the Àpetascale to extreme scaleÀ plan is that the scientific software application-computer hardware gaps expected to appear can be successfully addressed. General-purpose, extreme scale computing systems are likely to be technologically feasible within the next 10-15 years. These systems could contain between 10 million and 100 million processing elements or cores. There is widespread agreement that these systems will push the envelope of a number of important technologies, including processor architecture, scale of multicore integration (perhaps into the range of 1000 cores per chip or beyond), power management, and packaging. Incremental or evolutionary advances of current programming paradigms and strategies have little chance of providing the functionality and utility needed to harness extreme scale computing for scientific discovery and advances. Transformational breakthroughs in programming models, system software, and algorithms will be necessary to enable scientific discovery through simulation on these leadership computers. This Funding Opportunity Announcement calls for innovative approaches that integrate applied mathematics and computer science to develop the insights and tools that are required for computers at extreme scales to be effective tools for scientific discovery through simulation. The activities supported by this Announcement may be a combination of basic research, creation of algorithms for advanced architectures, and demonstration of new mathematical, computer science and algorithmic concepts. Conferences, Àsummer schoolsÀ, or other similar activities that explore, in a collaborative setting, the research and utilization of the combination of applied mathematics and computer science to enable high-performance computing at the extreme scale may be considered. Partnerships among universities, National Laboratories, and industry are strongly encouraged.
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Department of Energy
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