Mathematics for Analysis of Petascale Data
Post Date
March 30th 2009
Application Due Date
May 29th 2009
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Eligibility Categories
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
For any questions relating to this announcemnt please contact Dr. Alexandra Landsberg, Applied Mathematics Program, Telephone: (301) 903-8507, FAX: (301) 903-7774, E-mail: The Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) of the Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), hereby announces its interest in receiving grant applications for research addressing the mathematical challenges involved in extracting insights from extremely large datasets (Àpetascale dataÀ) and investigating fundamental issues in finding key features and understanding the relationships between those features. Petascale data may be produced by high-resolution simulations on massively parallel computers in complex applications, such as climate modeling, fusion, and other large-scale science and engineering calculations. They may also result from experiments and observational studies, such as those in high-energy physics and cosmology. The effective analysis of petascale data is often challenged by some combination of its large-scale, distributed, heterogeneous, and varying statistical properties. Novel mathematical models, methods, and tools are needed for the representation, analysis, and understanding of such large-scale datasets that come from scientific domains pertinent to the DOE. All applications should address the potential for advances in mathematical methods or numerical algorithms and not just the application of methods and algorithms to a specific science problem, no matter how challenging. Educational aspects, while always welcome, are neither required nor emphasized in this call.
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Department of Energy
Chicago Service Center
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