RFI-Independent Field Testing of Methane Emissions Detection Technologies
Post Date
September 30th 2015
Application Due Date
November 13th 2015
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
This is a Request for Information only. This RFI is not accepting applications for financial assistance. THIS NOTICE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A FUNDING OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT (FOA). NO FOA EXISTS AT THIS TIME.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$1 - $1
Grant Description
Request for Information - Independent Field Testing of Methane Emissions Detection Technologies This is a Request for Information only. This RFI is not accepting applications for financial assistance. The purpose of this RFI is solely to solicit input for ARPA-E consideration to inform the possible formulation of future programs. The Advanced Research Projects Agency _ Energy (ARPA-E) is considering providing financial assistance for operation of a multi-user field test site of (including some construction) for priority use by its MONITOR (Methane Observation Networks with Innovative Technology to Obtain Reductions) program awardees. ARPA-E is seeking information on associated capabilities, costs, and other considerations for operating such a field test site. The MONITOR program will support 11 project teams over three years (totaling $30M) to develop technologies focused on the detection, quantification, and localization of methane emissions. The field test site would enable MONITOR awardees to assess the technical performance of their technologies under realistic conditions on a simulated natural gas well pad. The information you provide may be used by ARPA-E in support of program planning. THIS IS A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ONLY. THIS NOTICE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A FUNDING OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT (FOA). NO FOA EXISTS AT THIS TIME.
Contact Information
Department of Energy
Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy
Agency Contact:
Kelly M. Harper
kelly.harper@hq.doe.gov -
Agency Mailing Address:
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