RFI - Solar PV on Commercial Buildings
Post Date
May 28th 2015
Application Due Date
July 25th 2015
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$1 - $2
Grant Description
The purpose of this RFI is to solicit feedback from industry (particularly building owners and building tenants), academia, research laboratories, government agencies, and other stakeholders on issues related to installing solar on commercial buildings. The Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) is specifically interested in information on practical, industry-driven, financially enduring, and self-sustaining strategies that facilitate solar deployment for buildings. This is solely a request for information and not a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). EERE is not accepting applications. The full Request for Information (RFI) is posted on the EERE eXCHANGE website at https://eere-exchange.energy.gov. Submittals must be submitted via email as described in the RFI. A User Guide for the EERE eXCHANGE can be found on the EERE website https://eere- exchange.energy.gov/Manuals.aspx after logging in to the system. Information on where to submit questions regarding the content of the RFI is found in the full RFI posted on the EERE eXCHANGE website.
Contact Information
Department of Energy
Golden Field Office
Agency Contact:
Fania K. Gordon 720-356-1546
fania.gordon@ee.doe.gov -
Agency Mailing Address:
Grants Administrator
- Agency Email Address:
More Information:

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