Social Innovation Fund FY 2011
Post Date
February 28th 2011
Application Due Date
April 12th 2011
The deadline for submission of applications is 5:00 pm Eastern Time on April 12, 2011. Applications must be submitted through the CNCS eGrants system:
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Community Development
Employment, Labor and Training
Food and Nutrition
Regional Development
Social Innovation Fund FY 2011
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
State Governments
County Governments
City or Township Governments
Special District Governments
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Governments
Non-Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Organizations
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Non-Profits Without 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Private Institutions of Higher Education
To be eligible for a SIF intermediary award, an applicant must: ╔ Be an existing grantmaking institution or an eligible partnership; ╔ Properly propose to be either a geographically-based or issue-based SIF that will focus on improving measurable outcomes; ╔ Have a strong track record of using rigorous evidence to select, invest in, support, and monitor the replication and expansion of grantees; ╔ Have a well-articulated plan to: o Select, replicate and expand subgrantees that have been shown to have at least preliminary evidence of effectiveness; and o Collaborate with a research organization to undertake rigorous evaluations to move subgrantees to at least moderate levels of evidence. ╔ Have appropriate policies on conflicts of interest, self-dealing, and other improper practices; and ╔ Demonstrate either cash-on-hand or commitments (or a combination thereof) toward meeting 50 percent of the first year matching funds, based on the amount of grant funds requested. For example, a request of $1 million needs to be accompanied by documentation of $500,000 on-hand at the time of application.
Award Range:
$1000000 - $7000000
Grant Description
APPLICATIONS CANNOT BE SUBMITTED THROUGH GRANTS.GOV APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE CORPORATIONуS EGRANTS SYSTEM: This Notice of Federal Funds Availability (Notice) announces the opportunity for funding for the Social Innovation Fund, authorized by the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act of 2009. The Social Innovation Fund is an initiative of the Corporation for National and Community Service that improves the lives of people in low-income U.S. communities. Through an innovative public-private partnership, the Social Innovation Fund and selected local and national grantmakers co-invest in programs that increase the scale of community-based solutions that have evidence of real impact in the areas of youth development, economic opportunity or healthy futures. Every Federal dollar invested is matched with private funds, and all programs are rigorously evaluated. As a result, the most effective approaches can be expanded to reach more people in need and key lessons can be captured and broadly shared. In FY 2011, CNCS will award a limited number of Social Innovation Fund grants to outstanding grantmaking institutions, referred to in this Notice as рintermediaries.с These intermediaries will match every Federal dollar of the grant award in cash. They will then identify and invest at least 80% of their federal funds (plus identified cash matching funds) in portfolios of promising community-based nonprofit organizations (subgrantees) working in low-income communities in one or more of the following issue areas: ╔ Youth Development п Preparing Americaуs youth for success in school, active citizenship, productive work, and healthy and safe lives. ╔ Economic Opportunity п Increasing economic opportunities for economically disadvantaged individuals. ╔ Healthy Futures п Promoting healthy lifestyles and reducing the risk factors that can lead to illness. Subgrantees will also match every dollar of their awards in cash and will utilize CNCS funding to produce measurable outcomes within a specific issue area and geographic area, evaluate their effectiveness and replicate and expand to serve more individuals. Throughout this process, subgrantees will be supported and monitored by the intermediaries, who will remain accountable to CNCS for the achievement of the intended results set forth in their proposals.
Contact Information
Corporation for National and Community Service
Agency Contact:
Kirsten Breckinridge
202-606-7570 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Direct email address for SIF questions.
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