Learn and Serve America Youth Engagement Zone FY11
Post Date
February 10th 2011
Application Due Date
March 31st 2011
The deadline for submission of applications is 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on 03/31/2011 Applications must be submitted using eGrants, the Corporation’s integrated, secure, web-based system for grant application and management. To create and submit an
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Community Development
Service-learning and youth civic engagement
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
State Governments
County Governments
City or Township Governments
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Governments
Non-Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Organizations
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Private Institutions of Higher Education
Eligible partnerships may apply for a Youth Engagement Zone grant. The lead applicant for this YEZ competition must be a public or private non-profit organization – e.g., a faith-based or community-based organization, a local educational agency (or individual public secondary school), an institution of higher education, or an Indian tribe. In addition, the lead applicant of the partnership must be physically located in the designated zone and have the organizational capacity to manage the grant. Eligible partnerships must include the following components; these factors will be used to determine eligibility for funding for this competition. (See Section VI regarding submission requirements. You are not required to submit partnership agreements or memoranda of understanding at the time of application, but you may be asked to provide them as part of the review and selection process.) 1. One or more community-based entities with demonstrated records of success in service-learning programs with economically disadvantaged students. (For the purpose of this competition, a community-based entity is a public or private nonprofit organization that has experience with meeting unmet educational, environmental or public safety needs.) 2. A local educational agency (LEA) serving a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students (a free and reduced-price lunch eligibility rate of 70% or more) and where the graduation rate is less than 70%. 3. a community college with existing connections to the LEA and/or youth serving organizations; and 4. a geographic area where less than 30% of the secondary school students are already engaged in service-learning.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$600000 - $1600000
Grant Description
YOU MUST APPLY THROUGH THE CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL & COMMUNITY SERVICE'S WEBSITE www.nationalservice.gov The goal for the Youth Engagement Zone initiative is to improve student engagement, including student attendance and behavior, and student achievement, graduate rates and college-going rates by: 1. Engaging youth as positive contributors through service-learning to demonstrate the relevance of academic coursework and the value of civic engagement to their educational and personal development; and 2. Connecting with citizens from diverse communities, backgrounds and perspectives to provide expanded opportunities to serve; and 3. Building enduring capacity within communities to become more effective at using service as a solution to address pressing challenges. Eligible partnerships must include: 1. one or more community-based entities with demonstrated records of success in service-learning programs with economically disadvantaged students, 2. a local educational agency serving a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students (a free and reduced-price lunch eligibility rate of 70% or more) and where the graduation rate is less than 70%; 3. a community college with existing connections to the LEA and/or youth serving organizations; and 4. a geographic area where less than 30% of the secondary students are already engaged in service-learning. Approximately $5.7 million for an estimated 5 to 7 grant awards that will range from approximately $700,000 to $1,500,000 per year for three years.
Contact Information
Corporation for National and Community Service
Agency Contact:
Cara Patrick
202-606-7510 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Direct e-mail address for this competition
- Agency Email Address:
More Information:
Competition page including full Notice of Funding Opportunity

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