BJA FY 13 Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs - Concept Paper
Post Date
March 14th 2013
Application Due Date
April 12th 2013
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Law, Justice and Legal Services
Eligibility Categories
State Governments
County Governments
City or Township Governments
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Governments
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
For-Profit Organizations (Except Small Businesses)
Category 1: Eligible applicants are limited to state and/or local public or private entities, including for-profit (commercial) and nonprofit organizations, faith-based and community organizations, institutions of higher education, federally-recognized Indian tribal governments (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior), and units of local and state government. For-profit organizations must agree to waive any profit or fees for services. Category 2: Eligible applicants are limited to public or private entities, institutions of higher education, including national for-profit (commercial) and nonprofit organizations. For-profit organizations must agree to waive any profit or fees for services.
Award Range:
$0 - $400000
Grant Description
Under this solicitation, BJA seeks to prevent and reduce crime and enhance the criminal justice system through collaboration with the field to identify, define, and respond to emerging or chronic crime problems and systemic issues. BJA is looking for proposed strategies to address these issues, including trying new approaches, addressing gaps in responses, building or translating research knowledge, or building capacity to address the issues. Applications under this program should not duplicate other BJA-funded programs. BJAуs Field-Initiated Programs solicitation provides opportunities to support a small number of local, state, tribal, and national projects that bring fresh perspectives and ideas to enhance practice and prevent crime in the field. Applications are sought in two areas: Category 1: Applications that propose to test a strategy at the state, local or tribal level, documenting implementation and developing tools to support national replication. Category 2: Applications to develop targeted and national or regional strategies that will make an impact in addressing a critical need or gap in the field. Regional projects must show that they are a model that is specific to a regional need or could be implemented effectively regionally and replicated elsewhere. In both categories, the applicants must propose innovative strategies or strategies that are aligned with the BJA Strategic Plan and are consistent with the goals of this solicitation.
Contact Information
Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Agency Contact:
For technical assistance with submitting a concept paper, contact the Customer Support Hotline at 800-518-4726 or via e-mail to
Agency Mailing Address:
Technical Application Support
- Agency Email Address:
Bureau of Justice Assistance
- More Information:

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