Simulation and Technology Assessment
Post Date
January 30th 2009
Application Due Date
February 22nd 2012
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$0 - $4000000
Grant Description
BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT BAA-VS-07-02 Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate Through Amendment 0002 ANNOUNCEMENT OVERVIEW BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT TITLE: Simulation and Technology Assessment BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: BAA-VS-07-02 CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE (CFDA) NUMBER(S): 12.800 AIRFORCE DEFENSE RESEARCH SCIENCES PROGRAM BRIEF PROGRAM SUMMARY: This is a 5-year, opened-ended (Amendment 0002) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to solicit research proposals for the System Simulation and Flight Control program. Multiple awards of contracts and/or assistance instruments of various values are anticipated with a period of performance ranging from 3 to 60 months. Periodically over the 5-year period, proposal call announcements (CALLS) may be issued in the FedBizOps/EPS and/or GRANTS.GOV/FIND to request proposals for specific research efforts as topics are identified. These subsequent CALLS will contain specific descriptions of the research effort to be addressed, anticipated period of performance, information peculiar to the specific research topic, and the expected dollar range for proposals received under the CALL. PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: This BAA will remain open for a period of 5 years from the date of publication. NO PROPOSALS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED AGAINST THIS BASELINE BAA. Proposal due dates and times will be specified in each CALL. Proposals received after the due date and time specified in the CALL shall be governed by the provisions of FAR 52.215-1(c)(3). ESTIMATED PROGRAM COST: Anticipated funding for the program (not per contract or award): FY 07: $4M; FY 08: $4M; FY 09: $4M; FY 10: $4M; FY 11: $4M. This funding profile is an estimate only and will not be a contractual obligation for funding. All funding is subject to change due to government discretion and availability. Each CALL will contain funding profiles specific to that effort. All potential offerors should be aware that due to unanticipated budget fluctuations, funding in any or all areas may change with little or no notice. GENERAL INFORMATION: The applicable NAICS code for this solicitation is 541712 with a size standard of 1000 for Space Vehicles & Guided Missiles or 500 for other research and development. (Amendment 0002) This acquisition is unrestricted. This BAA is issued under the provisions of Federal Acquisition Regulation paragraph 6.102(d)(2) that provides for the competitive selection of research proposals. Proposals submitted in response to this BAA that are selected for award are considered to be the result of full and open competition and in full compliance with the provisions of PL 98-369, the Competition In Contracting Act of 1984. There will be no other solicitation issued for this requirement. Offerors MUST monitor FedBizOps/EPS and/or in the event this solicitation is amended or CALLS are issued. TYPE OF CONTRACTS/INSTRUMENTS: The Air Force reserves the right to award the instrument best suited to the nature of research proposed. Accordingly, the government may award any appropriate contract type under the Federal Acquisition Regulation or Other Transaction (OT) for Prototype, grant, cooperative agreement, or OT for Research. Specific instructions for assistance awards are in paragraph 7 of the BAA. It is anticipated that awards under this BAA will generally be cost plus fixed fee, completion form contracts, which require successful offerors to have an accounting system considered adequate for tracking costs applicable to the contract. ANTICIPATED NUMBER OF AWARDS: The Air Force anticipates awarding a minimum of one contract or assistance instrument per specific CALL. However, the Air Force does reserve the right to make multiple awards or no awards pursuant to a CALL. Technical Point of Contact: The technical point of contact for the baseline BAA is Dr. Rich de Jonckheere, AFRL/RVES, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-5054, Fax 505-846-6053, Email: (Amendment 0002) Contracting Points of Contact: The contracting points of contact for the baseline BAA are: Contract Specialist: Theresa Erickson, Det 8 AFRL/RVKI, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-7603, Fax 505-853-2804, Email: (Amendment 0002) Contracting Officer: Geralyn M. Warner, Det 8 AFRL/RVKI, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-6189, Fax 505-853-2804, Email: (Amendment 0002) BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT BAA-VS-07-02 Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate FULL TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT 1. REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION A. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Space Vehicles Directorate (VS) is interested in receiving proposals from all offerors to advance the state-of-the-art and scientific knowledge in space vehicle modeling, simulation (M&S), and analysis technology. Proposals that enable rapid space vehicle system design, modeling, simulation and visualization of space vehicles in operation for mission and experiment design and planning, the integration and use of M&S for analysis at the physics-to-engineering-to-mission/campaign levels to quantify technology performance, utility, and quality of service, or the development and use of higher level decision analysis models and military utility metrics to facilitate lab technology investment decisions are of particular interest. B. This is a 5-year, opened-ended (Amendment 0002) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to solicit research proposals for the System Simulation and Flight Control program. Multiple awards of contracts and/or assistance instruments of various values are anticipated with a period of performance ranging from 3 to 60 months. The Simulation Technology and Technology Assessment program is being initiated via release of this baseline BAA VS-07-02. Periodically over the 5-year period (calculated from the baseline BAA publication date), proposal call announcements (CALLS) under the BAA/solicitation may be issued in the FedBizOps/EPS and/or GRANTS.GOV/FIND to request proposals for specific research efforts as topics are identified. These subsequent CALLS will contain specific descriptions of the research effort to be addressed, anticipated period of performance, information peculiar to the specific research topic, and the expected dollar range for proposals received under the CALL. Each CALL will specify a proposal due date and time. Proposals received after the stated due date and time will be governed by FAR 52.215-1(c)(3). Multiple subsequent CALLS are anticipated and may be announced sequentially or concurrently in the FedBizOps/EPS and/or GRANTS.GOV/FIND. The Government reserves the right to re-issue a previously announced CALL area with a second, subsequent proposal period. The Government also reserves the right to issue no CALLS for any given technology area. C. TECHNOLOGY AREA DESCRIPTION: The objective of this technical area is to support the Space Vehicles Directorate in performing Technology Assessments (TA), conducting flight experiments with modeling, simulation, and analysis (MS&A), and providing software support in order to demonstrate and validate emerging technologies. TA includes quantifying technology performance at the physics/engineering level, inserting the model into a system simulation, and evaluating performance at the systems-to-mission-to-campaign levels. It covers developing Concepts of Employment Concept (COE) and performing Military Utility Analysis (MUA) studies to quantitatively assess the technology’s military value or utility, using metrics such as value modeling and deriving Measures of Performance. It may also require inserting the technology/system models/software into wargame and virtual exercise simulations for warfighter interaction and feedback or into hardware-in-the-loop simulations. The goal is to provide data for directorate-level technology investment decision-making. MS&A support to flight experiments ranges from experiment and scenario definition, systems engineering, risk mitigation, cost modeling and technology trades, launch vehicle selection, system/subsystem performance modeling, and visualization of the mission operations, scenarios, and detailed vehicle behaviors. D. The following data deliverables are representative of the types of data that may be required: (a) Program Plan with updates as needed; (b) Monthly Status/Financial Reports; (c) Final Report, draft and final; (d) Presentation Materials, (e) Patent Reports; and (f) Unique Identification Designator (UID). Data deliverables are subject to negotiations on each individual CALL. 2. ANTICIPATED FUNDING Anticipated funding for the program (not per contract or award): FY 07: $4M; FY 08: $4M; FY 09: $4M; FY 10: $4M; FY 11: $4M. This funding profile is an estimate only and will not be a contractual obligation for funding. All funding is subject to change due to government discretion and availability. Each CALL will contain funding profiles specific to that effort. All potential offerors should be aware that due to unanticipated budget fluctuations, funding in any or all areas may change with little or no notice. 3. POINTS OF CONTACT A. TECHNICAL POINTS OF CONTACT (TPOC). 1) The technical point of contact for the baseline BAA is Dr. Rich de Jonckheere, AFRL/RVES, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-5054, Fax 505-846-6053, Email: (Amendment 0002) 2) Each CALL will include a specific technical area point of contact. B. CONTRACTING POINTS OF CONTACT: 1) The contracting points of contact for the baseline BAA are: a) Contract Specialist: Theresa Erickson, Det 8 AFRL/RVKI, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-7603, Fax 505-853-2804, Email: (Amendment 0002) b) Contracting Officer: Geralyn M. Warner, Det 8 AFRL/RVKI, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-6189, Fax 505-853-2804, Email: (Amendment 0002) 2) Each CALL will include specific contracting points of contact. C. OMBUDSMAN: AFFARS CLAUSE 5352.201-9101 Ombudsman (AUG 2005) is hereby incorporated into this BAA and will be made a part of any awards based on this solicitation. The ombudsman for AFRL is Ms. Sue Hunter, AFRL/PK, 1864 4th Street, Bldg 15, Room 225, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, 45433-7130, Phone 937-255-0432, FAX 937-255-5036, Email: (Amendment 0002) 4. COMMUNICATIONS A. Prospective offerors are reminded to contact the technical point of contact to verify interest in the effort to be proposed and the funding availability PRIOR to committing any resources to the preparation of any proposals in response to this announcement. Foreign owned firms are advised they may be precluded from proposing. These firms are advised to contact the Contracting Point of Contact or TPOC before submitting a proposal to determine whether there are restrictions on receiving an award. B. Dialogue between prospective offerors and Government representatives is encouraged until submission of proposals. Discussions with any of the points of contact shall not constitute a commitment by the Government to subsequently fund or award any proposed effort. Only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the Government. C. NO PROPOSALS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED AGAINST THIS BASELINE BAA. Proposal due dates and times will be specified in each CALL. Proposals received after the due date and time specified in the CALL shall be governed by the provisions of FAR 52.215-1(c)(3). D. There will be no other solicitation issued for this requirement. Offerors MUST monitor FedBizOps/EPS and/or in the event this solicitation is amended or CALLS are issued. Offerors must monitor these systems to ensure they receive the maximum proposal preparation time for subsequent amendments as this is the official notification vehicle to request proposals. E. Potential offerors are requested to advise the contracting officer if they intend to submit a proposal in response to a CALL. Such notification is merely a courtesy and is not a commitment by the offeror to submit a proposal. 5. GENERAL INFORMATION Potential offerors are advised of the following: A. The applicable NAICS code for this solicitation is 541712 with a size standard of 1000 employees for Space Vehicles & Guided Missiles or 500 for other research and development. (Amendment 0002) B. This acquisition is unrestricted. This BAA is issued under the provisions of Federal Acquisition Regulation paragraph 6.102(d)(2) that provides for the competitive selection of research proposals. Proposals submitted in response to this BAA that are selected for award are considered to be the results of full and open competition and in full compliance with the provisions of PL 98-369, the Competition In Contracting Act of 1984. C. Organizational Conflict of Interest may apply to this action but cannot be determined prior to issuance of this announcement or subsequent CALLS. This issue and the need for applicable clauses will be resolved prior to the award of any instrument resulting from an offeror’s proposal. D. An “Administrative Access to Proprietary Information” consent provision is applicable to this solicitation with anticipation of incorporation of the provision by reference into any resulting award instrument. The provision is available at It must be signed and submitted with the proposal or objections must be submitted as indicated on the consent form. (Amendment 0002) E. Department of Defense (DOD) Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) (C31 Lab, Lincoln Laboratory, or Software Engineering Institute) may submit proposals in response to this solicitation/announcement. Other FFRDCs or contractors that propose using FFRDCs not discussed herein shall provide rationale in its proposal that the research is within the purpose, mission, general scope of effort or special competency of the FFRDC and that research to be performed would not place the FFRDC in direct competition with the private sector. The Government does not intend that FFRDCs use privileged information or access to facilities to compete with the private sector. If a contractor proposes using a FFRDC as a subcontractor, other than DOD-sponsored FFRDCs in the capacities discussed in DFARS 235.017, it must provide rationale in its proposal that supports the unique capability of the FFRDC. Also, the contractor’s proposal must demonstrate that the FFRDC can accept work from other than the sponsor. F. Research areas may involve technology that is subject to U.S. Export Control Laws. It is anticipated that awards will be unclassified with limited access. Therefore, only offerors who are certified by the Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS) may submit proposals. For questions, contact DLIS on-line at or at DLIS, US/Canada Joint Certification Center, Federal Center, 74 North Washington, Battle Creek MI 49017-4312, (800) 352-3572. 6. AWARD INFORMATION A. It is anticipated that this BAA will remain open for a period of 5 years from the date of publication. This BAA will be reviewed annually. Any updates or possible cancellation will be issued as an amendment to the BAA. This annual review and subsequent amendment to the BAA shall meet the requirement of FAR 35.016 to publish the BAA no less frequently than annually. B. TYPE OF CONTRACT/INSTRUMENT: The Air Force reserves the right to award the instrument best suited to the nature of research proposed. Accordingly, the government may award any appropriate contract type under the Federal Acquisition Regulation or Other Transaction (OT) for Prototype, grant, cooperative agreement, or OT for Research. Specific instructions for assistance awards are in paragraph 7 B (5). The anticipated type of contract will be issued in each CALL. Prospective offerors are encouraged to discuss the type of instrument proposed with the appropriate contracting point of contact prior to preparing a proposal. (Amendment 0002) It is anticipated that a mix of contract types will be used throughout the life of this BAA. Generally awards under this BAA will be cost plus fixed fee, completion form, contracts, which require successful offerors to have an accounting system considered adequate for tracking costs applicable to the contract. Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) with Cost Plus Fixed Fee (Completion) Delivery Orders are also anticipated. In the event an ID/IQ type of contract is anticipated, potential offerors are advised that during the course of the contract, the maximum dollar amount of the contract is subject to adjustments that may be appropriate for the Government to take full advantage of the contract ordering period. The anticipated type of contract will be addressed in each CALL. However, because this BAA solicitation and award process does provide for awarding a wide range of contracts, it is typically not possible to include all of the required and potentially desired provisions, clauses, terms and conditions applicable to any given contract award that might result from a particular Call to this BAA. Except in those unusual situations where a model contract can be developed and included in the Call itself, model contracts will be provided to each apparent successful offeror for review and comment as part of the BAA solicitation and award process. Prospective offerors are encouraged to discuss the type of instrument proposed with the appropriate contracting point of contact prior to prepar
Contact Information
Department of Defense
Air Force -- Research Lab
Agency Contact:
Geralyn Warnder
Phone 505-846-6189 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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