Development of a Research Plan for Reducing the Thermal Connectivity of Peltier Cooling Alloys Operating at 10 degrees Kelvin
Post Date
March 6th 2009
Application Due Date
April 6th 2009
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$0 - $55000
Grant Description
BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT BAA-VS-06-05 Air Force Research Laboratory/Directed Energy/Space Vehicles Directorate PROPOSAL CALL ANNOUNCEMENT (CALL 0013) BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT TITLE: Space Electronics Open 5 Year Broad Agency Announcement BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: BAA-VS-06-05 PROPOSAL CALL ANNOUCEMENT (CALL) TITLE: Development of a Research Plan for Reducing the Thermal Connectivity of Peltier Alloys Cooling to 10¡K. PROPOSAL CALL ANNOUNCEMENT (CALL) NUMBER: 0013 TECHNICAL POINT OF CONTACT: The technical point of contact for this CALL is Ashwani Sharma, AFRL/RVSE, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone: 505-846-0615, Email: CONTRACTING POINTS OF CONTACT: Contracting points of contact for this CALL are: Contracting Specialist: Andrea Stone, Det 8 AFRL/RVKE, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone: 505-843-2883, Fax: NONE, Email: Contracting Officer: Shirley D. Lindom, Det 8 AFRL/RVKE, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-5935, Fax: NONE, Email: REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION: Topic 2, Subparagraph 3, Advanced Electronic Materials, Devices, and Circuits for Space The Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Electronics Branch (AFRL/RVSE), is soliciting proposals (technical and cost/business) in Advanced Electronic Materials, Devices, and Circuits for space, subparagraph 3, specifically in the area of: Development of a Research Plan for Reducing the Thermal Connectivity of Peltier Cooling Alloys Operating at 10¡K The objective of this CALL is to develop a plan of research to reduce the thermal conductivity of alloys used for Peltier cooling of long wavelength, infrared sensors at 10¡ Kelvin. The plan should include, but not be restricted to, techniques which employ nano-layered structures as well as particulates whose spacing is at the mean free path of phonons in thermoelectric alloys at 10¡ K. The plan should include theoretical studies, computer modeling, and the applicability of other materials science approaches to lower the thermal conductivity of Peltier alloys by at least one order of magnitude. ANTICIPATED FUNDING (Topic 2, Subparagraph 3): Anticipated funding for this CALL (not per contract or award) is FY09: $55,000. This funding profile is an estimate only and will not be a contractual obligation for funding. All funding is subject to change due to government discretion and availability. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE (Topic 2, Subparagraph 3): The anticipated period of performance for individual awards resulting from this call is six (6) months for technical effort and three (3) months for final report submission. PAGE LIMITATIONS: The technical proposal including the C-SOW shall be limited to five (5) pages single spaced, double-sided, 8.5 by 11-inch pages. Select an easy to read font no smaller than 12 pitch fixed or proportional font size 10 or larger. Smaller type may be used in figures and tables as long as it is clearly legible. The page limitation includes all information i.e., indices, photographs, foldouts (2 page), appendices, attachments, resumes, C-SOW, etc. Each printed side counts as one page. Blank pages, title pages, tables of content, lists, tabs or cover sheets are not included in the page count. The Government will not consider pages in excess of this limitation. PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: The due date for proposals submitted in response to this CALL is no later than 1:00 p.m. MDT on 6 April 2009. Proposals for any other technology area identified in the baseline BAA will not be accepted at this time unless a CALL for proposals in that specific area is open. Proposals received after the due dates and times shall be governed by the provisions of FAR 52.215-1(c)(3). PROPOSALS FOR FAR TYPE CONTRACTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO: Det 8 AFRL/RVKE, Attn: Andrea Stone, 2251 Maxwell St SE, Bldg 424, Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5773. Proposals sent to any inappropriate address are ineligible for award. Proposals sent via facsimile or electronic means will not be accepted. PROPOSALS FOR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: All Broad Agency Announcements for basic research that may result in grants or cooperative agreements issued by this office will invite electronic proposal submission through APPLY. Please refer to the BAA solicitation under Additional Assistance Information for further instructions on submitting proposals electronically. Any electronic submission for a grant or cooperative agreement must be through Other forms of electronic submission will not be accepted. CALL AMENDMENTS: Offerors should monitor FedBizOps/EPS
Contact Information
Department of Defense
Air Force -- Research Lab
Agency Contact:
Shirley Lindom
Phone 505-846-5935 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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