Call 003, Compact High Performance Atom Interferometer for Navigation (CHAIN) Program
Post Date
April 26th 2010
Application Due Date
May 24th 2010
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Award Range:
$0 - $4500000
Grant Description
BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT BAA-RV-10-01 Air Force Research Laboratory/DIRECTED ENERGY/Space Vehicles Directorate PROPOSAL CALL ANNOUNCEMENT (CALL) # 003 BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT TITLE: AFRL Space Vehicles Directorate, Battlespace Environment Division BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: BAA-RV-10-01 PROPOSAL CALL ANNOUCEMENT (CALL) TITLE: Topic # 2, Battlespace Surveillance (RVBY) - Compact High performance Atom Interferometer for Navigation (CHAIN) program PROPOSAL CALL ANNOUNCEMENT (CALL) NUMBER: 003 TECHNICAL POINT OF CONTACT: The technical point of contact for this CALL is Mr. Paul M. Baker, Address: AFRL/RVBYE; 29 Randolph Rd.; Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-3010; Phone: 781-377-3509 and FAX: 781-377-3661. E-mail: CONTRACTING POINTS OF CONTACT: The contracting points of contact for this CALL are: Contract Specialist: Det 8 AFRL/RVKB: Attn: Ms. Yolanda Gomez-Pohl, 2251 Maxwell Ave., S.E.; Bldg 424 (Mail Room – Bldg 590, RM 1); Kirtland AFB, NM, 87117-5773; Phone: 505-853-3237: Fax 505-846-0945; E-mail: OR Contracting Officer: Det 8 AFRL/RVKB; Attn: Ms. Jean Barnes; (Same as Ms. Gomez-Pohl’s); Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-4695; Fax: 505-846-0945; E-mail: REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION: The Air Force Research Laboratory is soliciting proposals in Cold Atom Interferometers under the Battlespace Environment Technology Area, Topic 2, Solar Disturbance Prediction, of the Broad Agency Announcement BAA-RV-10-01 posted to FedBizOpps on November 10, 2009. See the following for detailed information. This effort requires the study and construction of cold atom interferometry and its application to precision rotation and acceleration measurement. Areas of particular interest are (a) development of a strategic grade atom interferometer inertial measurement unit (IMU); (b) integration of IMU with required electronic control and laser components; (c) studies determining the technological limitations of atom interferometry, sources of noise, stabilization and size reduction limitations. This effort will be in support of the Compact High performance Atom Interferometer for Navigation (CHAIN) program in the Space Vehicles Directorate and its topic areas published in the subject BAA. ANTICIPATED FUNDING: Anticipated funding for this CALL (not per contract or award) is: FY 10, $0.05M; FY11, $0.75M; FY12, $1.2M; FY13, $1.3M; FY14, $1.2M; Total 4.5M. This funding profile is an estimate only and will not be a contractual obligation for funding. All funding is subject to change due to government discretion and availability. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The anticipated period of performance for individual awards resulting from this CALL is 60 months in duration from the time of award. The period of performance is to be proposed in the format “includes 57 months for technical effort and 3 months for Final Report preparation.” PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: The due date for proposals submitted in response to this CALL is no later than 12 Noon. MDT on 24 MAY 2010. Proposals for any other technology area identified in the baseline BAA will not be accepted at this time unless a CALL for proposals in that specific area is open. Proposals received after the due dates and times shall be governed by the provisions of FAR 52.215-1(c)(3). CALL AMENDMENTS: Offerors should monitor FedBizOps/EPS and/or for any additional notices to this CALL that may permit extensions to the proposal submission date or otherwise modify this announcement. ANTICIPATED TYPE OF CONTRACTS/INSTRUMENTS: The Air Force anticipates awarding a CPFF as a result of this CALL but reserves the right to award the instrument best suited to the nature of research proposed. ANTICIPATED NUMBER OF AWARDS: The Air Force anticipates awarding one (1) contract. However, the Air Force does reserve the right to make multiple awards or no awards pursuant to this CALL. ANTICIPATED AWARD DATE: 19 July 2010 INTENT TO PROPOSE: Potential offerors are requested to advise the contracting point of contact if they intend to submit a proposal in response to this CALL. Such notification is merely a courtesy and is not a commitment by the offeror to submit a proposal. DELIVERABLES ITEMS: Data and reports: Annual reports and final report Hardware: one cold atom interferometer system, one modular controls system, one modular laser system OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: 1. Program security classification for this CALL is Unclassified 2. This effort will not be ITAR restricted 3. Government Furnished Property and Contractor Acquired Property: None 4. Other: Please see Attachment #1 for Cost Proposal Instructions. 5. Base Support. The Government will NOT be providing the contractor base support. APPLICABILITY OF BASELINE BAA: All requirements of BAA-RV-10-01 apply unless specifically amended and addressed in this CALL. For complete information regarding BAA-RV-10-01, refer to the initial opened-ended BAA. It contains information applicable to all CALLS issued under the BAA and provides information on the overall program, proposal preparation and submission requirements, proposal review and evaluation criteria, award administration, agency contacts, etc. Direct questions to the points of contact identified above. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: (1) Please prepare your proposals in accordance with (IAW) the Det 8 Air Force Research Laboratory AFRL/PK dated 20 Feb 10, which are incorporated in this CALL Announcement below pursuant to FAR 15.408 in the Table format outlined in the instructions. Please submit a Management, Technical, and Cost Proposals. (2) Two copies and an original of your proposal is requested. In addition, include an electronic copy of your proposal on a compact disk (CD), this shall also include a Microsoft Excel 2007 or earlier compatible cost proposal. Please provide any additional data right items not already submitted in the Representations and Certifications that were included under the awarded basic contract. This proposals are due to this office on or before 12:00 p.m (Noon) 24 MAY 2010. Please note, allow enough time to mail handler’s to get through security. Also, it is the Offeror’s responsibility to ensure that their proposal’s arrive by the due date and time. Submit your proposal to the following address: Air Force Research Laboratory Det 8 AFRL/RVKB ATTN: Ms. Jean Barnes or Ms. Yolanda Gomez-Pohl 2251 Maxwell St., SE, Bldg. 424, Mail Room (Bldg 590, RM1) Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5773 (3) Submission of proposal(s) are not an authorization to commence work or to incur any costs to perform the work described above. Work is not to be implemented until appropriate contractual action is taken to add the work to the contract. Any work performed or expense incurred prior to that time (including bid and proposal costs) will be at your own risk. Attachment #1 Det 8, AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY AFRL/PK 1. Offerors shall: a. Provide these Cost Proposal Instructions to all subcontractors. Proprietary subcontractor data may be submitted directly to the Government in accordance with Proposal Preparation Instructions in this announcement. b. Furnish Tables 1 and 2 for the entire performance period (supported by rationale required by paragraph 2) in hard copy and on CD as IBM PC compatible, Microsoft Excel, to include all cell formulas. Include a separate Cost Element Summary by Offeror Fiscal Year (OFY) for the basic and each option or task order as proposed. Identify when the offeror’s fiscal year (OFY) begins and ends. c. Ensure that all rate data and estimating factors used in the proposal have been submitted for review to the cognizant Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) prior to cost proposal submission. d. Provide the following information as the first page of the proposal for the Prime and Each Subcontractor. i. Name, title, telephone, fax numbers and e-mail address of offeror’s point contact ii. Amount proposed for basic effort and each option iii. Name, address and telephone number of the cognizant DCMA and DCAA offices iv. Name, title, signature of authorized representative v. Date offer is submitted and expiration date of offer vi. DUNS Number vii. CAGE Code 2. Submit a cost element summary by major cost element by OFY for the basic period of performance and each option (if applicable) or Task Order using Table 1 format. The detail required for each major cost element is described below. Address all cost elements applicable to the proposed effort and provide a narrative to support the basis of estimate of proposed costs included in Table 1. a. Direct Labor. Show each direct labor category proposed on a separate row. When job classifications or position titles (e.g. "Senior Scientist", "Technician", or "Lead Engineer") are used, provide narrative descriptions of related qualifications, duties, and responsibilities as an attachment to the cost proposal. In supporting rationale, identify the source and explain the derivation of the labor rate proposed for the first year in each labor category, and explain the methodology used to project each rate for subsequent years. Note: If temporary or part-time labor is proposed, explain the differences between the pay rates for full-time and temporary or part-time workers, and the impact of those differences on the direct rates proposed. Identify all uncompensated labor (straight time and/or overtime) included in this cost element, and explain the impact of uncompensated time on direct rates proposed. If applicable, identify the proposed escalation factors applied to future estimates and rationale for the proposed factors. b. Indirect Cost Rates and/or Factors. Identify all indirect cost rates (such as fringe benefits, labor overhead, material overhead, G&A, Cost of Money (COM), etc.) and applicable allocation bases by OFY. If separate indirect rates are proposed (i.e. several G&A rates) identify each base and provide calculation as to how calculated amounts were derived. If composite rates are used, provide the calculations used in deriving the composite rates. Identify the basis of proposed rates (e.g., Forward Pricing Rate Agreement and date of agreement, bidding rates and submission date, actual rates and effective date, billing rates and approval date, etc.). c. Subcontracts/Interorganizational Transfers (IOTs). Obtain cost proposals from each subcontractor and IOT (those actually performing labor hours) using the same cost element breakout required for Table 1 for the basic, each option (if applicable) and each Task Order. Provide a list of anticipated subcontractors/IOTs using Table 2. Perform and provide evaluation results of cost/price analysis of subcontract/IOT proposals. If decrement factors are used, explain their development and application. If the proposed subcontractor’s/IOT’s fee rate is higher than the Prime’s fee, provide rationale as to why the subcontractor’s risk is greater than the Prime’s. NOTE: Subcontractor/IOT proposals are due by the closing date identified in this announcement. In accordance with FAR 52.215-22, Limitations on Pass-Through Charges - Identification of Subcontract Effort; To comply with this provision, the contractor shall provide the following information: (1) The offeror shall identify in its proposal the total cost of the work to be performed by the offeror, and the total cost of the work to be performed by each subcontractor, under the contract, task order, or delivery order. (2) If the offeror intends to subcontract more than 70 percent of the total cost of work to be performed under the contract, task order, or delivery order, the offeror shall identify in its proposal— (i) The amount of the offeror’s indirect costs and profit/fee applicable to the work to be performed by the subcontractor(s); and (ii) A description of the added value provided by the offeror as related to the work to be performed by the subcontractor(s). (3) If any subcontractor proposed under the contract, task order, or delivery order intends to subcontract to a lower-tier subcontractor more than 70 percent of the total cost of work to be performed under its subcontract, the offeror shall identify in its proposal— (i) The amount of the subcontractor’s indirect costs and profit/fee applicable to the work to be performed by the lower-tier subcontractor(s); and (ii) A description of the added value provided by the subcontractor as related to the work to be performed by the lower-tier subcontractor(s). d. Travel. Separately identify costs for travel for the basic and each option or task order as applicable using Table 3. Provide a breakout of travel costs for each OFY including the purpose and number of trips, origin and destination(s), duration, and travelers per trip. e. Material. Separately identify costs for material for the basic and each option or task order as applicable using Table 4. Provide an itemized, priced list of all proposed equipment, materials and supplies for each OFY. Provide information regarding the basis of estimates (i.e. vendor quotes, purchase orders, engineering estimates, website URL etc). Provide a breakout and explanation of all other proposed ODCs by OFY. f. Other Direct Costs (ODCs). Separately identify other direct costs to include consultants for the basic and each option or task order as applicable. If proposing consultants, provide consultant agreements to validate proposed rates and a determination by the offeror that the rate proposed is comparable to other consultant rates for work of similar nature. Substantiate the need for proposed consultant services. g. Cost of Money (COM). Refer to FAR 52.215-16, Facilities Capital Cost of Money. Provide a schedule which contains proposed cost of money (COM) factors, if applicable, to include a display of all individual bases for the COM amounts. A DD Form 1861 for each OFY must be submitted if proposing COM. h. Fee. Identify proposed fee base and rate. i. New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax (NMGRT). NMGRT may be applicable to the proposed effort. For assistance in determining the extent to which NMGRT may apply and applicable rates, contact the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department, 5301 Central Ave., NE, PO Box 8485, Albuquerque, NM 87198, (505) 841-6200, Identify the cost elements and amounts included in the NMGRT base, if applicable. Demonstrate the method of calculating total tax dollars included in the proposal. TABLE 1 COST ELEMENT SUMMARY NOTE: THIS IS A SAMPLE TABLE - ALL OFFERORS SHOULD PROPOSE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR APPROVED ACCOUNTING PRACTICES. Beginning OFY* Ending OFY* COST ELEMENT BASE RATE AMT BASE RATE AMT TOTAL PROPOSEDAMOUNT DIRECT LABOR (List each direct labor category separately.) XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX TOTAL DIRECT LABOR XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX TOTAL LABOR OVERHEAD XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX SUBCONTRACTS, IOTS, CONSULTANTS (List Separately) XXXX XXXX XXXX MATERIAL XXXX XXXX XXXX MATERIAL OVERHEAD XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX TRAVEL XXXX XXXX XXXX ODCs XXXX XXXX XXXX G&A XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX SUBTOTAL COSTS XXXX XXXX XXXX COST OF MONEY (See DD Form 1861) XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX FEE XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX TOTAL COST & FEE XXXX XXXX XXXX NMGRT (IF APPLICABLE) XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX TOTAL PRICE XXXX XXXX XXXX *Submit a cost element summary by OFY for the basic, option (if applicable) and each Task Order as appropriate for each year of performance. TABLE 2 SUBCONTRACT/INTERORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFERS & CONSULTANTS PRICE SUMMARY SUBCONTRACTOR NAME SUBCONTRACT TASKS** SUBCONTRACT TYPE SUBCONTRACT QUOTED PRICE SUBCONTRACTOR COST PROPOSED BY PRIME DIFFERENCE TOTALS **Identify Statement of Work or Work Breakdown Structure or provide a narrative explanation as an addendum. TABLE 3 TRAVEL SUMMARY DATE FROM TO PURPOSE # TRIPS # TRVLRS # DAYS TOTAL $ TABLE 4 BILL OF MATERIALS OFY or Vendor/Source Item WBS/Task # Description Qty Unit Price Total Price (Company Name, Website URL, Etc) 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 6 1 0 0 7 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 TOTAL Materials 0 ATTACH THIS PAGE TO THE FIRST PAGE OF YOUR PROPOSAL COST PROPOSAL CHECKLIST Place a check by the appropriate items. Write “n/a” next to the item if not applicable. In accordance with the Cost Proposal Instructions, the following is provided with our proposal: __ EXCEL spreadsheets of all applicable tables, on CD ROM WITH FORMULAS. Spreadsheets merely representing hard number inputs are not acceptable. __ Cost/price analyses of all subcontract and IOT proposals __ Fully-disclosed subcontracts and IOT proposals which includes Table 1 for each subcontracts and IOT __ Subcontract information in accordance with FAR 52.215-22, Limitations on Pass-Through Charges – Identification of Subcontract Effort __ Fully completed Table 1(s), by basic and each option or task order (as applicable) by OFY __ Fully completed Table 2(s), listing all proposed subcontractors and IOTs by basic, option and task order (as applicable) __ Fully completed Table 3(s), listing all proposed travel by basi
Contact Information
Department of Defense
Air Force -- Research Lab
Agency Contact:
Yolanda Gomez-Pohl
Phone 505-853-3237 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:
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