U.S. Agency for International Development (Higher Education Partnerships for Innovation and Impact (HEPII) Annual Program Statement (APS)
Post Date
June 30th 2015
Application Due Date
June 29th 2016
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Eligibility Categories
This APS requests Concept Papers from U.S. and non-U.S. higher education institutions. All concept papers and subsequent full applications, if requested, will be expected to feature an higher education institution as the lead implementer.
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking concept papers from qualified U.S. and non-U.S. higher education institutions (HEIs) to work with USAID to advance strategic priorities and objectives and achieve sustainable development outcomes, results, and impact. This Annual Program Statement (APS) has the flexibility to award Cooperative Agreements, Grants, Fixed Amount Awards, and leader with Associate Awards. This APS is not supported by specific funding, and any funding for any USAID-HEI partnership proposed under this APS would have to be requested from the specific USAID Mission, Bureau, or Independent Office with which the prospective applicant seeks to collaborate and to which the Concept Paper will be submitted. USAID seeks to optimize its relationship with HEIs by identifying and promoting successful partnerships and collaboration models, and increasing USAIDмs access to higher education technical resources. The purpose of this APS is to promote opportunities for leveraging HEI capabilities across USAIDмs portfolio and its program cycle, and strengthen developing country HEI capabilities to respond to and solve critical development challenges.
Contact Information
Agency for International Development
Agency Contact:
Michele Maximilien
Grants Specialist
Phone 202-567-5073 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Grant Specialist
- Agency Email Address:

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