Post Date
March 14th 2016
Application Due Date
April 13th 2016
The closing date of this APS is one year after issuance date, unless amended.
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
All qualified U.S. and non-U.S. organizations (other than those from foreign policy restricted countries) are eligible to apply. Pursuant to 2 CFR 200.400(g), it is USAID policy not to award profit under assistance instruments such as cooperative agreements, and as such, for-profit organizations must waive profits and/or fees to be eligible to submit an application. This policy equally applies to all sub-tier assistance awards or sub-recipients. Applicants must have established financial management, monitoring and evaluation processes, internal control systems, and policies and procedures that comply with established U.S. Government standards, laws, and regulations.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$30000000 - $30000000
Grant Description
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking concept papers from all U.S. and non-U.S. qualified (other than those from foreign policy restricted countries) for funding under this Annual Program Statement (APS) to support a program entitled TRANSFORM/Developing Regional States (DRS) to support partner organization(s) in achieving the public purpose of ending preventable child and maternal deaths (EPCMD) in the DRS while contributing to the Government of EthiopiaŠ¼s (GOE) Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP). Please refer to the program Description for a concept paper statement of goals and expected results. The authority for the APS is found in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended. Subject to the availability of funds one or more award will be made to the responsible applicant(s) whose application(s) best meets the objectives of this funding opportunity and the selection criteria contained herein. While one or more award is anticipated as a result of this notice of funding opportunity (NFO), USAID reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted.
Contact Information
Agency for International Development
Ethiopia USAID-Addis Ababa
Agency Contact:
Tsegereda Gebremedhin
Acquisition and Assistance Manageme
Phone 251-111-306117 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Tsegereda Gebremedhin
- Agency Email Address:

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