RFP Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program
Post Date
December 10th 2008
Application Due Date
March 2nd 2009
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Information and Statistics
Natural Resources
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Eligible applicants as authorized in Section 809 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act include: regional native non-profit organizations, Federally recognized tribal governments, non-profits, State government agencies, organizations such as universities, and native corporations.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$30000 - $150000
Grant Description
Overview Information The Department of the Interior through the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Subsistence Management, coordinates the Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program (Partners Program). The Partners Program under the broader category of Alaska Subsistence Management (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 15.636) directly supports and funds fishery biologists, social scientists, natural resource specialists, and educator positions performing duties within tribal or rural organizations in Alaska. Partner positions work to ensure that the priority issues and information needs pertaining to management of subsistence fisheries are addressed by developing and implementing research projects in the Fisheries Resource Monitoring Program (Monitoring Program) and/ or implementing rural student education and internship programs on these projects. They communicate project results to various audiences such as regional organizations and their members, the Federal Subsistence Board, Regional Advisory Councils, and government agencies. The Office of Subsistence Management, Partners Program invites proposals from eligible applicants for funding to support fishery biologists, social scientists, natural resource specialists, educator positions, or a combination of such positions in their organization. This is the fourth call for proposals in the history of the Partners Program; multiple awards will be offered. Please note requirements unique to this solicitation, as areas of emphasis have changed from previous program cycles. This call outlines the funding opportunity, award information, eligibility information, application and submission information, application review, award administration, and agency contacts. The solicitation number associated with this call for proposals is FWS # 70181-9- R120. Proposals are due no later than March 2, 2009. I. Funding Opportunity Description The Office of Subsistence Management will develop cooperative agreements to support Partners Program fishery biologists, social scientists, natural resource specialists, and educator positions. Proposals may focus exclusively on supporting positions as principal and/ or co-investigators, supporting positions to conduct rural education and internship programs, or a combination of both, as long as they are coordinated with project(s) within the Monitoring Program. Positions may be full or part-time. Requests for funding may be up to two years, but must not exceed the project duration approved under the Monitoring Program. The organization receiving the award will work cooperatively with the Office of Subsistence Management, Partners Program.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Agency Contact:
Kathleen Orzechowski
Program Specialist
Phone 907-786-3645 -
Agency Mailing Address:
POC work email
- Agency Email Address:
Div of Contracting & Facilities Mgt
More Information:
Notice of Availability of Federal Assistance Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program

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