Graduate Student Measurement Science and Engineering (GMSE) Fellowship Program
Post Date
February 8th 2016
Application Due Date
April 7th 2016
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science, Technology, Business and/or Education Outreach
Eligibility Categories
Accredited institutions of higher education; non-profit organizations; commercial organizations; and state, local and Indian tribal governments. The applicant organization must be located in the United States and its territories. An eligible organization may work individually or include proposed sub-awards or contracts with others in a project proposal, effectively forming a team or consortium. Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to select underrepresented minorities for participation in the GMSE Fellowship Program. NIST is not accepting applications from individual graduate-level researchers to conduct work within the NIST laboratories on any NIST campus. This FFO seeks only applications from institutions with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to develop and manage a GMSE Fellowship Program that will provide doctoral-level graduate students with opportunities and financial assistance to obtain laboratory experiences within the NIST laboratories.
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
NIST is soliciting proposals from eligible applicants for a Graduate Student Measurement Science and Engineering (GMSE) Fellowship Program that will provide doctoral-level graduate students with opportunities and financial assistance to obtain laboratory experiences within the NIST laboratories in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The recipient will work with NIST to foster collaborative STEM research relationships among NIST, doctoral-level graduate students, and the studentsм academic institutions.
Contact Information
Department of Commerce
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Agency Contact:
Christopher Hunton
Management and Program Analyst
Phone 301-975-5718 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Agency Contact
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