Costa Rica CARSI ESF
Post Date
March 19th 2012
Application Due Date
April 6th 2012
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Eligible applicants are non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and non-profit organizations (NPOs).
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$150000 - $200000
Grant Description
The U.S. Embassy in San Jos_, Costa Rica seeks proposals for grants in the range of $150,000 to $200,000 from organizations interested in combating drug use, drug distribution, and/or crime through projects targeting: 1) at risk youth, 2) border and/or coastal communities, and/or 3) prevention of involvement in drug use or distribution. In addition to projects that work directly with target populations, the U.S. Embassy encourages submission of proposals for using media or other public outreach (video, social media, a telephone tip line, etc.) to reach target populations. The U.S. Embassy in San Jos_ plans to award a total of $1,000,000 for a project period of up to 18 months. Applicants may apply for amounts of $150,000 and $200,000. The U.S. Embassy may award up to six grants which do not exceed the total of $1,000,000. The Embassy reserves the right not to award any funds based on the quality of the proposals received. Proposals should describe the approaches and/or mechanisms that the applicant would implement to deter the use of drugs and/or interaction with drug traffickers. Proposals must be designed for one-time funding only and have a sustainability plan to continue to have an impact after Grant funds have been exhausted. This funding will support United States Government (USG) objectives under the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI). Within Central America (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama), CARSI is enhancing the capabilities of national law enforcement, border and customs, prosecutorial, judicial, and prison agencies. These improvements are strengthening partner governmentsу ability to fight burgeoning narco- and arms-trafficking, gangs and associated street and organized crime, which threatens the security of governments in the region. The success of programs under the CARSI framework will enhance citizen safety and advance a wide range of other U.S. and regional shared security priorities. These improved capabilities will also provide a stronger platform for sustained bilateral and multilateral partnerships between the U.S., Central American nations, and other regional states.
Contact Information
Department of State
Agency Contact:
Stephen Carter
Economic Assistant
Phone (506)2519-2257 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Office Email
- Agency Email Address:

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