Prediction of and Resilience against Extreme Events
Post Date
May 6th 2016
Application Due Date
September 19th 2016
Required for Track 2 Proposals; Track 2 Proposals; Track 1 (conferences): see proposal preparation instructions for further details
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
*Who May Submit Proposals: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: -For-profit organizations: U.S. commercial organizations, especially small businesses with strong capabilities in scientific or engineering research or education. -Non-profit, non-academic organizations: Independent museums, observatories, research labs, professional societies and similar organizations in the U.S. associated with educational or research activities. -Universities and Colleges - Universities and two- and four-year colleges (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in, the US acting on behalf of their faculty members. Such organizations also are referred to as academic institutions. - NSF-funded FFRDCs may submit proposals to this competition, provided that (a) the project includes an academic partner institution, (b) the proposal adheres to all NSF budget guidelines, and (c) the proposal budget does not include any costs already covered by Federal funds. *Who May Serve as PI:
- There are no restrictions or limits for investigators from universities and colleges; non-profit, non-academic organizations; and for-profit organizations as defined above.
- Investigators from NSF-funded FFRDCs (e.g., National Center for Atmospheric Research/NCAR) may submit proposals to this competition, provided that (a) the project includes an academic partner institution, (b) the proposal adheres to all NSF budget guidelines, and (c) the proposal budget does not include any costs already covered by Federal funds.
- Participation in any project by investigators from other federal agencies and/or FFRDCs may be via a letter of participation indicating that those organizations will provide, at no cost, the services and research as indicated in the proposal. Alternatively, Federal agencies and non-NSF-funded FFRDCs can participate as subawardees, provided that those organizations include in the proposal a letter from the responsible agency confirming that agency’s financial support of the agency’s or FFRDC’s participation should the project be funded by NSF.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
Natural disasters cause thousands of deaths annually, and in 2013 alone caused over $130 billion in damage worldwide. There is clear societal need to better understand and mitigate the risks posed to the US by natural hazards, consistent with the mandate of the National Science Foundation (NSF) “…to promote the progress of science [and] advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare....” NSF and the Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) have long supported basic research in scientific and engineering disciplines necessary to understand natural hazards and extreme events, including through the Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Disasters (Hazards SEES) program and multiple core programs in the GEO Directorate. PREEVENTS is designed as a logical successor to Hazards SEES and is one element of the NSF-wide Risk and Resilience activity, which has the overarching goal of improving predictability and risk assessment, and increasing resilience, in order to reduce the impact of extreme events on our life, society, and economy. PREEVENTS will provide an additional mechanism to support research and related activities that will improve our understanding of the fundamental processes underlying natural hazards and extreme events in the geosciences. PREEVENTS is focused on natural hazards and extreme events, and not on technological or deliberately human-caused hazards. The PREEVENTS portfolio will include the potential for disciplinary and multidisciplinary research at all scales, particularly aimed at areas ripe for significant near- or medium-term advances. PREEVENTS seeks projects that will (1) enhance understanding of the fundamental processes underlying natural hazards and extreme events on various spatial and temporal scales, as well as the variability inherent in such hazards and events, and (2) improve our capability to model and forecast such hazards and events. All projects requesting PREEVENTS support must be primarily focused on these two targets. In addition, PREEVENTS projects will improve our understanding of the effects of natural hazards and extreme events and will enable development, with support by other programs and organizations, of new tools to enhance societal preparedness and resilience against such impacts.
Contact Information
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