Conferences and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences
Post Date
March 4th 2016
Application Due Date
November 30th -0001
Proposals accepted anytime
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
*Who May Submit Proposals: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: -Non-profit, non-academic organizations: Independent museums, observatories, research labs, professional societies and similar organizations in the U.S. associated with educational or research activities. -Universities and Colleges - Universities and two- and four-year colleges (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in, the US acting on behalf of their faculty members. Such organizations also are referred to as academic in
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$10000 - $100000
Grant Description
Conferences, workshops,and related events (including seasonal schools andinternational travel by groups) support research and training activities of the mathematical sciences community. Proposals for conferences, workshops, or conference-like activities may request funding of any amount and for durations of up to three years. Proposals under this solicitationmust besubmitted to the appropriate DMS programs in accordance with the lead-time requirements specified on the program web page.
Contact Information
National Science Foundation
Agency Contact:
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