Algorithms in the Field
Post Date
December 4th 2015
Application Due Date
March 3rd 2016
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Eligibility Categories
*Who May Serve as PI: Each proposal must have at least one co-PI focusing on theoretical computer science and one focusing on any other area typically supported by CISE such as networking, data mining, human-computer interaction, cyber-physical systems, and so forth. We emphasize that these four “fields” are chosen only to illustrate the wide range of collaborations sought and are in no way intended to limit scope or indicate favored areas.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$None - $800000
Grant Description
Algorithms in the Field encourages closer collaboration between two groups of researchers: (i) theoretical computer science researchers, who focus on the design and analysis of provably efficient and provably accurate algorithms for various computational models; and (ii) other computing and information researchers including a combination of systems and domain experts (very broadly construed п including but not limited to researchers in computer architecture, programming languages and systems, computer networks, cyber-physical systems, cyber-human systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence and its applications, database and data analytics, etc.) who focus on the particular design constraints of applications and/or computing devices. Each proposal must have at least one co-PI interested in theoretical computer science and one interested in any of the other areas typically supported by CISE. Proposals are expected to address the dissemination of both the algorithmic contributions and the resulting applications, tools, languages, compilers, libraries, architectures, systems, data, etc.
Contact Information
National Science Foundation
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