Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate
Post Date
October 29th 2013
Application Due Date
February 12th 2014
Full Proposal Deadline(s): February 05, 2014 AGEP-Transformation February 12, 2014 AGEP-KAT and AGEP-BPR
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
*Organization Limit: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: - AGEP-Transformation proposals are invited from strategic alliances of institutions and organizations. Alliance partners may include all types of non-profit institutions of higher education, industry, non-profit organizations, and/or Federal National laboratories (note that AGEP grant funding is limited to the organizations that are eligible for NSF support). At least one alliance partner must offer the Ph.D. in a field supported by the NSF which is included in the alliance activities. State systems of higher education may participate as a system or as individual institutions. AGEP-KAT and AGEP-BPR proposals are invited from all eligible individuals and organizations as described in the NSF Grant Proposal Guide.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$200000 - $1750000
Grant Description
AGEP is committed to the national goal of increasing the numbers of underrepresented minorities (URMs), including those with disabilities, entering and completing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate education and postdoctoral training to levels representative of the available pool. URMs include African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders. Increased URM participation in advanced STEM education and training is critical for supporting the development of a diverse professional STEM workforce especially a diverse STEM faculty who serve as the intellectual, professional, personal, and organizational role models that shape the expectations of future scientists and engineers. To achieve this long term goal, the AGEP program will support the development, implementation, study, and dissemination of innovative models and standards of graduate education and postdoctoral training that are designed to improve URM participation, preparation, and success.AGEP projects must focus on URM U.S. citizens in STEM graduate education, and/or postdoctoral training, and their preparation for academic STEM careers at all types of institutions of higher education. STEM professional development more broadly may be included in projects with a strong and compelling argument. AGEP is interested in proposals that include any or all STEM fields supported by NSF including the social, behavioral and economic sciences, and multi-, cross-, or inter-disciplinary STEM fields. AGEP encourages community colleges, primarily undergraduate institutions, minority-serving institutions (Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions, and Tribal Colleges and Universities), women's colleges, and institutions primarily serving persons with disabilities to participate as lead institutions and as alliance partners in all three types of AGEP projects.AGEP intends to support the following types of projects:AGEP-Transformation - Strategic alliances of institutions and organizations to develop, implement, and study innovative evidence-based models and standards for STEM graduate education, postdoctoral training, and academic STEM career preparation that eliminate or mitigate negative factors and promote positive practices for URMs.AGEP-Knowledge Adoption and Translation (AGEP-KAT) - Projects to expand the adoption (or adaptation) of research findings and evidence-based strategies and practices related to the participation and success of URMs in STEM graduate education, postdoctoral training, and academic STEM careers at all types of institutions of higher education. AGEP-Broadening Participation Research in STEM Education (AGEP-BPR) - Investigator initiated empirical research projects that seek to create and study new theory-driven models and innovations related to the participation and success of URMs in STEM graduate education, postdoctoral training, and academic STEM careers at all types of institutions of higher education. Note to students and postdoctoral scholars seeking support: The AGEP program does not make awards to individual students or postdocs to undertake their education or research activities. Undergraduates and graduate students seeking support for graduate education should review the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship program (GRFP) which is a fellowship program ( Postdoctoral scholars seeking support should review the NSF postdoctoral programs summarized at Additionally, some NSF Directorates may have special funding opportunities to support students and postdoctoral trainees that contribute to broadening participation in STEM. NSF principal investigators seeking funds to support diverse students and postdoctoral trainees are encouraged to contact their NSF program officer for information on potential opportunities. AGEP - Graduate Research Supplements (AGEP-GRS) The Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) encourages Principal Investigators (PIs) of current MPS awards to support one (additional) Ph.D. student per award, through a partnership with the AGEP program. This opportunity is available to PIs with current MPS research awards whose institutions and/or academic units are either currently participating in the AGEP program; or whose institutions and/or academic units have participated in the AGEP program in the past (AGEP Legacy institutions). Such PIs may apply to MPS for a supplement to defray the costs for: stipend, tuition, benefits and indirect costs for one graduate research student working on the MPS-funded research. The goal is to create an opportunity to engage additional students in research, to develop a positive learning environment for students, and to improve diversity and retention at the doctoral level within the mathematical and physical sciences. For more information review the AGEP-GRS Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 13-071).
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