Special Program Announcement for 2012 Office of Naval Research Basic Research Challenge: Decentralized Online Optimization
Post Date
February 15th 2012
Application Due Date
May 15th 2012
Refer to announcement for white paper due dates. Full Proposals should be submitted under ONRBAA12-001 by close date specified. Full Proposals received after that date will be considered only insofar as agency time and continued availability of fun
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Eligibility Categories
Refer to ONRBAA12-001
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
The Navy is moving towards deploying large, complex systems that are beyond centralized control. A canonical example of such a system is a fleet of unmanned vehicles with limited communications operating in a dynamic environment. Important characteristics of these systems are that 1) they are decentralized (i.e., system components can take independent actions), and 2) the environment in which the system operates is not necessarily known a priori, and is revealed over time; that is, the data defining the system and its environment is online (in the sense of online algorithms). Objective and Areas of Interest: The objective of this topic is to develop scientific principles and algorithms for solving decentralized, online optimization problems. To achieve this, first, solid mathematical frameworks need to be proposed and put into place so that various algorithmic strategies can be developed, analyzed, and compared. Second, canonical models need to be defined. These models should capture the fundamental difficulties associated with decentralized, online optimization. The aim in defining a few, simple canonical models is not to include all possible real-world complexities, but rather create a set of models whose rigorous treatment will drive design and analysis principles. Third, promising algorithmic strategies need to be identified and developed. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is interested in receiving proposals for this Basic Research Challenge Program. This program supports basic science and/or engineering research within academia and industry. The program focuses on stimulating new, high-risk basic research projects. ONR will consider awards to single investigators, but preference is for collaborative groups that have a history of innovative research in the mathematical and computational sciences. Applicants shall NOT apply under this Special Notice. Applicants shall apply using the Application Instructions and Package under ONRBAA12-001.
Contact Information
Department of Defense
Office of Naval Research
Agency Contact:
Gordon Jaquith
Contract Specialist
Phone 703-696-7831 -
Agency Mailing Address:
grants.gov questions
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