Clearwater Coho Acclimation Pond
Post Date
June 9th 2010
Application Due Date
June 17th 2010
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
This project will modify an existing hatchery acclimation facility to allow Mitchell Act coho salmon smolts to be acclimated prior to release (see attached Scope of Work). This will increase juvenile survival, increase adult returns, increase our opportunity to collect broodstock for a local broodstock source and minimize impacts to non-target populations (ESA listed fall Chinook and steelhead).
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Governments
Award Range:
$None - $201661
Grant Description
The proposed pond modifications would occur at the existing Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery facility known as the North Lapwai Valley (NLV) acclimation site. NLV is operated by the NPT with funding from Bonneville Power Administration, and is located approximately 0.75 miles upstream of the confluence of Lapwai Creek and the Clearwater River in Nez Perce County, Idaho. The NLV is currently used to acclimate fall Chinook salmon subyearling smolts, which precludes the use of existing facilities for the acclimation of coho salmon. The NLV satellite currently has two ponds, with approximately 13,150 cfs of rearing space each, with both a surface and groundwater supply system that can be mixed to control water temperature. The ponds are located in the higher elevation area of the site with discharge entering Lapwai Creek near the State Highway Route 95 bridge crossing. The site was designed for additional pond construction and has adequate living quarters for personnel to occupy during acclimation. The following modifications are proposed at this site: • Excavate a pond to acclimate up to 550,000 coho salmon down slope from the existing ponds (Attachement 1). The proposed pond would be 23,000 cubic feet, allowing the acclimation of 550,000 coho smolts at a density index (Piper et al. 1982) of 0.3. • Tap into the existing pond overflow, well, and surface water head tank. • Construct a first pass water supply through the overflow of the existing head tank, and allow for diversion of second pass water through the overflow from existing ponds. • Construct small check dams to impound a series of small pools along the existing overflow ditch leading to Lapwai Creek.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Agency Contact:
Rich Johnson
project Manager
Phone: (503) 231-6835 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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