Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Gulf Coast CESU
Post Date
July 22nd 2008
Application Due Date
July 31st 2008
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
This financial assistance opportunity is being issued under a Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) Program; the Gulf Coast CESU. CESUs are partnerships that provide research, technical assistance, and education. Eligible recipients must be a participating partner of the Gulf Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$8000 - $8000
Grant Description
The purpose of the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NoRock) funding opportunity is to conduct research on genetic tools to aid in the conservation of European Bison. This research is necessary because European bison (Bison bonasus) have experienced one of the longest and most extreme bottlenecks of any wildlife species on record, and the entire species is descended from 13 founders (Slatis 1960). The species has recovered to more than 2,800 individuals (as of 2001; Pucek 2002), yet it is still considered endangered ( There are many factors that threaten the continued existence of this species. Hunting pressures, political instability, low levels of genetic variation, and contamination with germplasm (DNA) from American bison (Bison bison) and American bison/domestic cattle (Bos taurus) crosses (Pucek 2002) are all examples of how the species is threatened. European bison are confined to free-ranging, but geographically isolated groups (herds), as well as captive breeding institutes (e.g., zoos, small parks). Like many wildlife species, the maintenance of European bison in isolated groups further threatens the long-term maintenance of genetic variability (Frankham 2003). The evaluation of patterns of genetic diversity among individuals and herds of European bison is one of the most pressing research needs to assist the continued recovery of this species (Pucek 2002). Our research will be using various genetic tools to aid in the conservation of European bison to continue the existence of this species. We aim to accomplish the conservation of European Bison by proposing the development of genetic tools which will 1) allow for the assessment of genetic diversity across the species and in comparison to American bison and domestic cattle; 2) provide a means of tracing both maternal and paternal lineages; and, 3) be readily transferable to laboratories across the world. To be more specific we propose the use of three independent, yet complimentary genetic systems. The first genetic system is to define polymorphisms in the mitochondrial genome between European bison, American bison, and domestic cattle and develop a PCR-based assay to distinguish the mitochondrial types from these three species. The second genetic system is to use nuclear autosomal microsatellites to directly compare genetic diversity between European bison and American bison. Lastly, the third genetic system is to develop a panel of Y-chromosome markers to identify and trace male lineages in European bison. This project will provide a wealth of knowledge regarding the amount and type of genetic variation present both the mitochondrial and nuclear genome of European bison, and how that variation compares with related species. Additionally, we expect to identify variants present only in European bison, and not in American bison or domestic cattle, which will be used to develop quick and cost-effective methods to distinguish the three species. Finally, the methods used in this study will be easily transferable to laboratories across the world for further investigations of genetic variation and to assist in European bison conservation efforts. NoRock conducts research in support of natural resources management in the mountains and plains of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and Idaho. The Center produces and disseminates scientific information needed for decision-making in collaboration with Federal and State land management agencies, Native American tribes, academic institutions and organizations. Since 2001, NoRock has funded projects that advance the Center in producing strong and unbiased scientific information necessary for decision making. The Center will continue to support such projects.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Geological Survey
Agency Contact:
Phone 703-648-7356 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Contract Specialist
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