Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Florida Caribbean CESU
Post Date
July 22nd 2008
Application Due Date
July 31st 2008
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
This financial assistance opportunity is being issued under a Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) Program. CESUs are partnerships that provide research, technical assistance, and education. Partners of the Florida Caribbean CESU are eligible to apply.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$60000 - $60000
Grant Description
Non-native aquatic species, including Burmese Pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) present a potential threat to successful ecological restoration of the greater Everglades (NRC 2005). Pythons are now established and breeding in South Florida. Python molurus bivittatus has the potential to occupy the entire footprint of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project (CERP), adversely impacting valued resources across the landscape. Proposed management and control actions must include research strategies and further evaluation of potential impacts of pythons. Recently, the Mazzotti lab at the University of Florida Ft. Lauderdale found that preliminary analysis of Burmese pythons removed from the Everglades contained raccoon, rabbit, muskrat, squirrel, opossum, cotton rat, black rat, bobcat, house wren, pied-billed grebe, white ibis, limpkin, alligator and endangered Key Largo wood rat. As Python molurus is known to eat birds, and also known to frequent wading bird colonies in their native range, the proximity of python sightings to the Paurotis Pond and Tamiami West wood stork rookeries is troubling. The potential for pythons to eat Mangrove Fox Squirrels and Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows and to compete with Indigos Snakes is also of concern. The results of this project will be applied to develop a comprehensive, science-based control and containment program. The proposed project will also increase our understanding of the impacts of Burmese pythons on native fauna in DOI and surrounding lands. Dealing with established species requires that we understand their status and impacts, and how to remove them. A current priority item for determining status is finding out the extent of invasion by established species. Once we know where the threat is occurring, we need a better understanding of how the threat may manifest itself ecologically—that is, what are the impacts of invasion? We can hypothesize that Burmese pythons compete with native snakes or affect populations of prey species; however, knowing with certainty that pythons eat wood rats better focuses eradication efforts and spurs action. A study of diet of Burmese pythons directly addresses this issue. Further, knowing how much pythons eat through a bioenergetic model allows us to forecast with more certainty predation impacts on native fauna The research included in this agreement is designed to answer questions critical to restoration success. There are four related research goals that are contained within the current cooperative program: No. 1 – Evaluate impacts of pythons on native biological diversity by determining the diet of Burmese pythons collected from Everglades National Park. No. 2 –Further develop an understanding of the impacts of Burmese pythons on native biological diversity by examining the thermal biology of individual snakes instrumented with temperature sensors. No 3 –Develop a preliminary conceptual bioenergetic model for Burmese pythons. No. 4 –Synthesize available data on diet and thermal biology of Burmese pythons to inform snake removal programs. Specific objectives for each goal are as follows: 1 – Diet of Burmese Pythons The following data and information are available and will be analyzed and summarized by USGS staff and University team. 1) Measured: Identification of prey items inside pythons by species, number, and size. Deliverable – peer-reviewed manuscript to be submitted by December 2008. 2 – Thermal Biology of Burmese Pythons 1) Measured: Body temperatures of free-ranging Burmese pythons, derived from surgically implanted miniature, temperature sensitive data-loggers (micro-dataloggers) 2) Measured: Tracks of radio-tagged free-ranging and model Burmese pythons that are instrumented with temperature sensors. We will take simultaneous measurement of environmental temperatures using biophysical snake models (constructed to have the same thermal properties as live snakes) in different thermal environments to allow detailed interpretation of data that can be used for bioenergetic modeling and determination of activity patterns (see below, Goal 3). Deliverable – Peer-reviewed manuscript by 30 September 2009. . 3 – Preliminary Conceptual Bioenergetic Model for Burmese Pythons. 1) Modeled: The University team will develop a preliminary conceptual bioenergetic model for Burmese pythons, using data on diet and thermal biology. This model will be used to predict the impacts of Burmese pythons on the Everglades ecosystem. Deliverable – Report describing the conceptual bioenergetic model by September 30, 2009. 4– Inform removal programs. Synthesize results of Goal 1 and Goal 2 to allow better predictions of when animals are exposed and visible, and thus available for capture and removal. Deliverable – Report describing the conceptual bioenergetic model by September 30, 2009.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Geological Survey
Agency Contact:
Phone 703-648-7356 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Contract Specialist
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