Teaching Grants
There are hundreds of teaching grants available across the US. These grants are meant to fund teaching resources, learning resources, and educational projects that simply do not fit into the school or program budget. The amount that you are awarded will be based on your unique needs and the teaching grant fund that you apply to. It is best to apply to various grants at once to improve your chances of being approved for one.
Below are just some of the current teaching grants available.

Grants are a wonderful way to fund an education program, and can be very helpful in helping young people attend college or private schools. However, there are also a number of grants that are designed to benefit teachers. Here are a few of the grants that educators can utilize to make the tireless work they do for students go even further.
Howery Teaching Enhancement Grant
The Howery Teaching Enhancement Grant is offered through the American Sociological Association (ASA) Small Grants Program. It is available to an individual, program, department or committee of a state/regional association to help study learning methods and applications to encourage communication, self-reflection and peer review. You must be a member of ASA to be eligible for this grant. Grants are awarded based on teaching needs but will not exceed $1,000.
Environmental Education Grants
The Environmental Education Grants Program is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This teaching grant provides funds to schools, committees and programs to implement projects that increase public awareness about environmental issues. Grant priority is given to teacher training, education reform, or health initiatives that help people make informed decisions that affect environmental quality. Most of these grants range from $15,000 to $25,000.
Music Teaching Grants
Music programs in the public school system are notoriously underfunded. If your school is in need of funding to purchase new instruments or music books there are teaching grants available to you. Several foundations in the U.S. regularly offer financial aid to deserving schools and music teachers. They are listed below:
Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation
This teaching grant provides funding to established school music programs that can demonstrate financial needs. The money awarded can be used towards repairing instruments and purchasing new ones.
Mockingbird Foundation
This teaching grant provides money for musical education programs directed towards children. Grants are awarded to schools, community centers, workshops, camps and scholarship programs.
Interdisciplinary Teaching Grants
There are a variety of teaching grants available to school departments and programs that study particular cultures. For example, The Association for Asian Studies offers teaching grants for Japanese studies and Korean studies, amongst others.
Teacher Awards for Literacy
This grant from Random House awards up to $10,000 for a teacher in grades K-12 who provides students with a sincere love for learning through reading. Educators use the money to create or enhance reading programs for children. First-lace great winners receive $10,000, a second place winner is awarded $5,000 and a third place recipient will get $2,000. The deadline for applying for this grant is September 1, 2013.
STEM Classroom Grants
The STEM Classroom grant is issued by FirstEnergy Corporation. The grant is for up to $500, and educators who teach pre-K, elementary, middle and high school are eligible if their school is serviced by electric companies that fall under the FirstEnergy Corporation umbrella. These companies include Toledo Edison, Ohio Edison, Met-Ed, The Illuminating Company, and Jersey Central Power and Light. The award money goes toward classroom projects that pertain to math, technology, engineering and science.
Innovation in Teaching Grant
Staff who are employed at King’s College are eligible for this grant. The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching awards the grant, which is $500 per college instructor. Faculty members who are using new techniques to teach their students can apply to receive the grant. In the proposal, the applicant should detail the purpose of the project, teaching qualifications for the new instructional techniques, and a clear summary of how the project will be conducted.
Winners of the grant are encouraged to share the success of their new teaching techniques with the rest of the King’s College staff the following school year.
ACS Hach High School Chemistry Grant
The American Chemical Society offers the Hach High School Chemistry grant to assist teachers in conveying the wonders of chemistry to students in a practical and fascinating way. Teachers should submit their applications between February 1 and April 1, and can request as much as $1,500 to fund their educational ideas. All applicants must be high school chemistry teachers, instructing students in the U.S. or a U.S. territory.
America’s Media Makers
The National Endowment for the Humanities presents the America’s Media Makers, which is a production grant sponsored by the Division of Public Programs. Instructors who are helping students to create radio programs, film and television shows create digital media projects
Applications should be received by August 14, 2013 for projects that will start by April of 2014.
To find out more about which teaching grants you qualify for and for a complete list of grants apply for your free grant kit today.