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Oregon State Grants

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The state of Oregon collects millions of federal dollars in free government grants to be distributed among the state citizens who have genuine needs for various government grants. A government grant is an aid program designed especially to help those who have financial difficulties and cannot achieve their goals without these free government grants. In fact, Oregon has awarded $40 million in government grants across the state since 1999!

Do you have a great business idea but no starting capital to open up shop? There’s a government grant for that!

Do you want to go back to school but can’t afford to pay tuition? There’s a government grant for that, too!

Do you want to renovate your house to make it energy efficient? You got it! There’s a government grant for that!

Every year there is money allotted specifically for any of these things, and much of the government grant money goes unused! Many people know that this money exists, but just don’t know how to apply for it.

The State of Oregon has many government grants and scholarships for various needs. Just by residing in Oregon, you and your family could be eligible for an assortment of different grants to help fund education, small business costs, home purchases and improvements, among various other things. These Oregon State Grants are available only to people living in the State of Oregon and depending on for which government grant you are applying, the government grant may have further restrictions.

To receive your free government grant money, all you need to do is apply. Don’t hesitate! The grants are provided on a first come, first serve basis, and it gets more and more difficult to qualify the higher the amount of money you require.

The free government grant money is the money that citizens have been paying over the years that the state government then allots to the individuals who need it. There is no limit to the number of grants for which you can apply; you just have to demonstrate good intention and a genuine need. You never have to pay back government grants!

Have a look at the available government grants and see which ones best suit your needs. Applying for a government grant is often a tedious, confusing and painstaking process, but we’ve made it easy for you! Just click and apply!

Currently, these are some of the categories of government grants that Oregon State offers, courtesy of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Each category contains a number of specific government grants, depending on your need:

  • Heritage Program grants
  • Certified Local Government (CLG) grants
  • Historic Cemetery grants
  • Health Grants Clearing House
  • Museum grants
  • And much more!

Using grant kit is the easiest and most efficient way to see exactly what is available to you. The government grant kit gives you fast and accurate information on Oregon government grants and how you can access them. It offers an extensive database of government grant programs to help you apply for money, a list of knowledgeable state officials in Oregon, and a list of how the government grant money is being divided in each category. This is the easiest and most efficient way to apply for free government grants to get the money you need and deserve!

Oregon Federal Grant Assistance Summary

In 2025 Oregon has received $0 billion dollars in funding so far from the federal government. The federal government is giving away this free money though assistance programs to people in Oregon through various assistance programs available to state and local governments as well as individuals. Below is the breakdown of how the government grants for Oregon have been allocated so far: